Monday, March 4, 2013
Cheer camp and end of season:
The cheer camp with elem. students went really well. Thanks, girls, for all your help! We had a BOG group of 50!
The season has come to an end. We will have a few optional practices in the near future to finish taping the cheers from the season for the dvd. I will post the dates when I know them. Tryouts will be help the end of this month or early April. It will be posted on the blog and will be in the school announcements, keep your eyes and ears open!
All cheerleaders will need to hand in their uniforms, warm ups, poms and any other borrowed materials after our individual pictures are taken. I will keep you informed of a date after school for the photo session.
Pizza pub end of season banquet for cheerleading will be next week. (Date: to be determined.)
Cheerleaders: Please fill out the online athletic survey ASAP! The link: Survey
Thanks for a great season! Hope to see you next fall. :)