Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New crowd cheer

Watch this YouTube video and learn the 2nd cheer with green and white and dragons in place of their school name and colors.  Pay attention to how they chop their words, how tight their arms are and how they are always smiling. We strive to look more like these girls. It will happen with time! Practice at home today, see you tomorrow!
The 2nd one we will be using as a crowd cheer.
 " hey fans, stand up and yell, green and white. Hey fans, stand up and yell, let's go dragons."


Practice is cancelled!

Today's practice from 10-12:30 is cancelled. I apologize for any inconvenience. I have called everyone and either spoke to you or left a message.
Any questions please call me: 715.896.6911

The new and updated schedule is below: